West Bali Expeditions

The “West Bali Expeditions” offer a diverse and immersive experience, encompassing chocolate production, environmental conservation, education, and sustainable farming practices. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the local culture and witness the inspiring efforts of individuals and communities working to make a positive impact on the region.

Expedition Highlight Activities

Day 1

Chocolate Production, Mushroom to Rural Innovation

  • Meet with the farmer and learn about the cacao tree and their harvesting methods.
  • Visit the collective chocolate factory owned by the farmer and observe the chocolate production process.
  • Taste different types of cacao products, from raw beans to hot chocolate, dark chocolate, and white chocolate.
  • Get introduced to Pak Putu, a creative innovator with extensive knowledge of herbs.
  • Explore the surrounding villages and learn about the various herbs found in the area.
  • Discover Pak Putu’s unique recycled material machine that aids his work.
  • Learn about the water energy system he created and explore other unique inventions

Turtle Conservation & Mangrove Boat Ride

  • Hear the story of the Bugis boats and their unique boat marriage culture, used for fishing together.
  • Enjoy a mangrove boat ride with a local fisherman using a smaller boat, while learning about the importance of mangroves in protecting the village from abrasion.
  • Meet the turtle conservationists and learn about their efforts and contributions to protecting sea turtles.
  • Have the opportunity to see baby turtles and participate in their release during the season (April to September).

Day 2

Revolutionary Local Preschool of West Bali

  • Be warmly welcomed by the teachers and take a tour around the innovative preschool.
  • Observe the children’s activities and join in on one of their educational experiences.
  • Hear the inspiring story of the preschool’s founder and their dedication to providing education to underprivileged children.
  • Enjoy delicious snacks and lunches cooked with organic ingredients sourced locally.
  • Engage in a meaningful discussion with the teachers and the founder about the challenges and solutions to education in the modern era.
  • Learn about the unique educational tools and methods they utilize to educate and nurture the children.

Learn About Permaculture and Forest Tree Planting

  • Meet with a local hero who has helped the community establish their permaculture farm.
  • Hear about their inspiring story and the work they do to support the local community.
  • Visit the permaculture farm and learn about sustainable farming concepts while tasting avocado leaf tea and planting herbs.
  • Explore community houses and observe the impact of the community project.
  • Visit a nearby forest and learn about critical forest issues and conservation efforts.
  • Participate in a tree planting activity, contributing to the reforestation project and supporting the local ecosystem


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